Monday, August 8, 2011

Improving your Marriage

 There are may ways to improve marriage but I believe one should begin improving their marriage by changing their priorities.  Make your spouse be VIP in your life.  Put your spouse first on your priority list.  Show your spouse and make them feel they are the most important person in your life. 

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

How to Avoid Divorce

Avoid divorce by making the necessary changes as a couple and the marriage and love will last.  Connecting is the key to creating love again in the relationship. Make the time for eachother and communicate in order to connnect again at the core with your soul mate. 

Friday, July 8, 2011

How To Stop Your Divorce

Stop your divorce by communicating and listening to your partners issues. Communication is so important and I cannot stress it enough.  Avoid topics that make you argue constantly. Show affection and make time for one another at least once a week. Give the attention your partner deserves.  Remember the qualities and why you fell in love. This will help you connect again in your marriage.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Saving My Marriage

There is no text book on a perfect marriage and it does not exist, however, couples that suceed in their marriages have made the effort to focus on eachother and making eachother happy.  Everyone has a busy life either long hours of work or have children and activites but what is most important is making the time for your partner and connecting emotionally and physically.   This is more damaging to the children then the parents realize because children with parents in a healthy and happy marriage are learning more about life, love, happiness and respect as opposed to those who divorce.  Saving your marriage is the best gift you can give your children. 

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Marriage is Worth the Effort

Ask yourself the question..Does your spouse have what it takes to make your relationship better?  If not, are you willing to face and live with the consequences of a separation especially when there are children involved?   Only you can answer these questions.  Well, my opinion Saving your marriage is worth the effort. It will save you heartbreak, time, and a lot of money. Those are so many reasons to do everything you can to stay together, and by working on yourself rather than your spouse you will be successful at saving your marriage.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Marriage is Work

When relationships go wrong, it is so easy to blame the other partner.  Reality is you both have issues and the relationship took a wrong turn because you failed to make the effort and work at it.  Marriage or relationships is a commitment to one another and it involves work.  Support eachother and save the marriage.  Lets stop looking at all the bad and focus on a new start and acceptance towards one another.
Marriage starts by you wanting this to happen so lets make it better.  Save my marriage today has helped so many couples.  You will live a healthier and happy life if your relationship is solid.  Don't give up on your marriage.  Remember marriage is work.  You need to understand eachother and take the necessary steps to saving your marriage.  

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Save My Marriage Today is not about begging or pleading with your partner to stay, giving in to their demands, forcing them to accept your way, punishing them for their faults or trying to get them to understand that everything that went wrong is their fault and not yours!  No, in fact it is all about both   of you and working on your own issues so that the relationship can start from inner peace and acceptance towards one another.  You will be able to view the relationship in a new light without the past hurts and disappointments controlling your perspective.  You will be supporting each other and expressing your needs and wants in the marriage.  Save My Marriage Today has truly seen miracles work.  Save My Marriage Today can help work with troubled marriages that first appeared to be absolutely beyond repair. 
Save My Marriage Today starts by YOU wanting this to happen.  You can save your marriage by making it better!  You must commit and focus on meeting each other’s needs especially with couples who have children-you owe it to them.   Don’t worry you are not alone, many couples struggle with the exact same issues.  Your marriage is in crisis but Save My Marriage Today is practical, easy to follow and you will learn so much.
There are many different marriage stressors or predictors: such as financial trouble, unemployment, intimacy problems, infidelity, different views on parenting, differences with in-laws etc..  All these stressors can cause lack of communication with your partner and as a result you become distant with one another.  This is a sign you need to change your ways and create new and better relationship habits that will shift your marriage.  You can change your marriage by changing yourself.   Strengthen your marriage foundation and get reconnected with your partner.  Don’t let relationship difficulties destroy your marriage.  Save My Marriage Today has lots of tips and explanation and it can help you in so many ways.  These are common reasons for divorce and Save My Marriage Today can show you how to stop them from happening to you.
There are many ways to showing your affection.  Make it a point to tell each other “I LOVE YOU.” Keep in mind that Love is falling in love over and over again with the same person.  If the body image has affected the intimacy in your relationship, go to the gym to work out together, encouraging each other on personal goals rather than focusing on the flaws.  Also, please make the time once a week for alone time.  Couples are under a lot of stress, they often have so much to say to each other but no time to say it.   It is during tough times that your partner needs reassurance of your love even more. There are step-by-step exercises in Save My Marriage Today and you will experience significant results.
 Make a point to only saying nice words.  Do not allow yourself to say any negative words.  Very important in any marriage is communication, this will allow you to understand your partners issues.  Avoid topics that you find yourselves arguing about constantly.  Work on being polite and friendly and respectful towards each other.  You will discover powerful insights with Save My Marriage Today.
Do you want to take the necessary steps to saving your marriage?  Get advice from the professionals and the ones who have experience.  Read the book “Save My Marriage Today.”   Remember when you work together in a constructive way, you are communicating, appreciating each other, you are putting each other’s needs  above your own and as a result you come out stronger and closer.  Don’t give up on your marriage - Save My Marriage Today will not let you down.



Very important in any marriage is communication, this will allow you to understand your partners issues.      Unconditional commitment is the key to resisting all marital stressors, basically withstanding the pressures of life that can come your way.  In other words, sticking together through tough times rather than allowing life’s difficulties pull you apart.  This includes putting each other’s needs before your own.   You will discover powerful insights with Save My Marriage Today.
 In order for a couple to work as a team, the partners have to know what each other is thinking.  When you and your spouse stop talking with each other, that’s when marital problems escalate.   Save My Marriage Today. 
The most important statement that a couple can say to each other is something like, “divorce will not be an option for us.  We will do whatever it takes to work out our differences, no matter what.”  Save My Marriage Today. 
Here are a few ways to communicate better with your partner:
1.       Listen to each other.  Remember we have two eyes, two ears and only one mouth for a reason.
2.       Do not allow your discussions to become battles.  If or when talking with each other becomes difficult or insulting, then stop talking.  Take a time out to cool down.  The goal is to save your marriage.
3.       Avoid topics that you find yourselves arguing about constantly. 
4.       If there are issues that are really troubling you, you and your spouse should set aside a time to talk with each other in a relaxed setting. 
5.       Be willing to share each others’ concerns, fears and hopes without criticizing or judging. 
6.       When talking, work on being polite to each other and friendly and respectful towards each other. 
7.       You talk about how you can work together to improve the situation.   
8.       Once a day, express appreciation for 3 things about your partner or something that they did.
9.       Honest words of appreciation and acknowledgment will help end feelings of being taken for granted.
10.   Positive actions go a long way in showing you care.

You must have a positive mindset and approach challenges with open communication and look at challenges as opportunities to strengthen your marriage.  Do you want to take the necessary steps to saving your marriage?  Get advice from the professionals and the ones who have experience.  Read the book “Save My Marriage Today.”   Remember when you work together in a constructive way, you are communicating, appreciating each other, you are putting each other’s needs  above your own and as a result you come out stronger and closer.  Don’t give up on your marriage - Save My Marriage Today will not let you down.


In some couples marriage is like a deck of cards.....In the beginning all you need is two hearts and a diamond.  By the end  wish you had a club and a spade. 
No one can promise it will be easy to rebuild the love after it feels lost.  It can be difficult at times, however, it is definitely possible if you both try hard enough.  The reason is simple, marriage is not the fact, it ‘s the two people in the marriage who create the problems.
Show your affection!!!!   Keep in mind that Love is falling in love over and over again with the same person.  Please make the time once a week for alone time.  Couples are under a lot of stress, they often have so much to say to each other but no time to say it.   It is during tough times that your partner needs reassurance of your love even more. There are step-by-step exercises in Save My Marriage Today and you will experience significant results.  
Couples need to liven things up and get their relationship spark going again. Coming up with ideas might feel like a chore so I can help Save My Marriage Today.  Here are a few ways to showing affection and loving each other the right ways.  This will encourage you and your partner to spring into action!
1.       Make it a point to tell each other “I LOVE YOU.”
2.       Since you probably forgot when you last pleased each other, sit down together and share the most memorable ways that your partner demonstrated their love for you over the years.
3.       Go back to your dating ways by saying please and thank you and open the doors and smile every chance you get.
4.       Tell your partner when you knew you had fallen in love with them.
5.       Tend to one of your partners usual chores or responsibilities.
6.       Share 30 minutes of no talking just touching.
7.       Take turns performing a strip tease and/or wear some sexy lingerie.
8.       Share the joy of good memories!!  Look over your wedding/holiday photos to get the feelings back.
9.       Do something your partner would consider romantic.  Remember to hold hands every time you go for a walk. 
10.   Go to your favourite restaurant and surprise him by making a toast and telling him how much you love him.
11.   Go dancing together.
12.   Play a game of cards with clothes coming off with each loss until you both WIN.
13.   Buy gifts or certificates for couple massage.
14.   Put little love notes around the house and in your partners pocket or briefcase.
15.   Laugh out loud, watch funny shows or visit comedy clubs.  Laughing makes you feel good, so make time for fun and humor every day.
 Let these ways remind you of the good times you can have together if you keep that spark alive!  Remember Save My Marriage Today.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Marriage is Worth the Work

You can save your marriage by making it better.  You need to remember your values and most importantly you need to begin by respecting eachother. 
There are many marriage stressors that affect couples and you become distant with one another.  This is a sign you need help and you need to change your ways in order to create positive energy and better relationship habits that will shift your marriage.  Marriage is worth saving and you owe it to your children.
Save My Marriage Today